Адвокатский Кабинет
Екатерины Шостранд
Барристер, Англия и Уэльс

Статьи и публикации
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Insolvency Law and Practice Vol.22 Issue 3, “Russian Insolvency Law: An Overview of Legislation”
Insurance Day, 29.09.06, "How does the law differ in the Russian market?" (broad analysis of insurance related legislation in Russia).
Legal Week, 01.03.07 "No "I" in Team" (on legal teamwork and examples of models of co-operation between lawyers in large international cases)
The Commercial Litigation Journal, March/April 2007, "Where language meets the law" (on drafting bilingual documents for the purposes of court proceedings)
In 2008, a series of articles for the American Bar Association (Russia/Eurasia Newsletter) on topical issues of Russian law and their comparative analysis to English law (such as the concept of abuse of rights under Russian law, English trusts vs the Russian concept of entrusted property administration (co-authored), etc).
Corporate Rescue and Insolvency, vol 2.3 June 2009, pp.105-107 “Judicial assistance in cross-border insolvency – common law implications of Cambridge Gas Transportation and Phoenix Kapitaldienst”
Corporate Rescue and Insolvency, vol 2.6 December 2009, pp.249-251 “International arbitration and effect of insolvency proceedings in the context of the EC Insolvency Regulation”
Mergers and Acquisitions, No 12 (82) 2009 (Moscow, Russia) “Law and practice of shareholders agreements under Russian and English law. Comparative analysis” - "Правовое регулирование и практические аспекты заключения и исполнения соглашений акционеров по российскому и английскому праву: сравнительный анализ" (in Russian; co-authored with A.Ovcharova)
Corporate Rescue and Insolvency, vol. 3.1 Feb 2010, pp.9-11 "Cash matters: unsecured creditor or proprietary interest? Analysis of the recent Lehman Brothers case"
Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, vol.25, No 05 May 201, pp282-283 "The troubled waters of insolvency set-off: mutuality, the pari passu principle and other considerations"
C-Bonds Review, No7, July 2010, Moscow, pp.70-73 "Eurobonds of a Russian origin" - "Еврооблигации с российскими корнями" (in Russian; co-authored with A.Ovcharova)
The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law, vol.8 No 12, December 2010, pp.28-29, "English Law: Insider View" (discussing the reasons for English law being a popular choice of law in corporate and commercial transactions involving CIS parties)
New Advocates' Gazette (Russia) - "Новая Адвокатская Газета", No23 (088), 1-15 Dеcember 2010, pp.14-15 "Radical Reforms at the English Bar" - "Радикальные реформы в английской адвокатуре" (analysis of the recent developments and reforms at the Bar and what it may mean for the legal services market, consumers and the Bar)
New Law Journal, Vol 161 No7471 24.06.11 at p.878"“To sue or not to sue?” on the principles of jurisdiction of English courts in Russia/CIS related disputes
Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, Vol 26 No5 May'11 at p.252 "Falling down a “black hole”? Analysis of a non-provable debt in the aftermath of Re Nortel, Re Lehman Brothers International and Others (2010)"
"Legal Insight" No 8 (24) 2013 (Moscow) "Развод по-английски: трасты и корпоративная вуаль" (in Russian), on trusts, piercing the corporate veil and other aspects of division of assets in the context of high net worth divorce cases
Corporate Rescue and Insolvency, Vol.6.4, August 2013 at p.87 "Evolution of going concern, foreseeable future and confidence: would the law give an insight?"
An interview (in Russian) on the latest developments in the English legal system, including the Legal Services Act 2007, the Jackson reforms, litigation funding, etc (Moscow, "Законодательство"/ "Legislation" Journal, No9 2014, p.60-64, interviewed by Professor G.D.Uletova)
In 2015, a series of articles in the "Kommersant" newspaper on various corporate law issues and dispute resolution
"Arbitration" (The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management), Volume 84, Issue 2, April 2018, "Arbitration? We Had No Idea!" (on validity of notices in international arbitration and challenges to awards arising from this)